A poem by Tricia

In Feb of 1935 four people of repute said we really need a Baptist church, with a minister to boot.

But how to go about it all, a building they could rent? But money was a problem large, well how about a tent?

They had a friend who'd help them out, and so to him they went, and sure enough , oh happy days a tent to them they lent.

Well we need a preacher so, someone we should ask, Miss Henderson answered their prayers and was ready for the task.

A wise old lady was Miss H, a deaconess was she, so pleased and proud to help them out, and their preacher she would be.

October 1st and going well, but the tent was getting cold and so with helping hands and money given and them being very bold

A bungalow they sought to buy, and once that seed was sown they found a place, the very place, right here in Norman Road.

By 1936, they had a congregation great, nine people every Sunday would  enter through their gate.

Sadly then came World War II, but the church still did its best, then in forty two Miss H she died and was sadly laid to rest.

But as things will, the sad times passed and in 1945, they found their own dear minister and watched their dear church thrive

Rev and Mrs Bottoms led the church in praise, the bungalow was now too small, so some money they must raise.

Sales of works that's what they need, the Rev's wife shone like gold the marmalade that she turned out, was amazing to behold.

In 1956 was built this place so full of love, how pleased our dear Lord must have been whilst looking from above.

Such true determination, joined with the love of God so true, thiat such a wonderful journey was made for me and you.

So we celebrate this journey, eighty three long years ago and we ask for our Lords blessings, as onward we will go.

We live in troubled times right now, but still we will hold fast, and raise our voices loud in praise, just as in long years past.

Thank you Lord for being here, watching from above, may we seek to honour you, may we all show love.

And thank you for those four good friends, whose work continues on, and they can see that all in all, their work was fine well done.

By Our Church Poet - Tricia Budd (2018)     


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